Wednesday, August 19

I might be crazy...

I might be crazy… Eleven weeks ago when my children got out of school I was a bit overwhelmed with wonder on how I would fill their days while trying to keep them both busy. In the past 11 weeks we have been: bowling, to the movies, to the drive-in, taken a three week trip to NY, been to the zoo, seen several little shows put on by the library, taken swim lesson, spent countless hours at the pool & even more hours at the playground.

This week I will send both kids to school. Brandon will be entering the 5th grade and Ella will begin full time Kindergarten. For the first time in 10 years and 3 months I will be a stay at home Mom with no children at home. Most people would think that I would be overjoyed. I always thought that I would go back to work at this point in my life. Unfortunately there are no teaching jobs to be found. As of Friday morning at 8:30 I will be unemployed & BOTH of my children will be gone all day. What am I going to do with my day? I think I will volunteer for the Red Cross, volunteer at the school, and head to the gym. And then…

“And then?” All summer long that is all that I heard. We could be at the playground, or pool, or the movie & my kids always wanted to know what fun thing my planned next. The heartbreaker is that most of the time there WAS, in fact, something that I planned next but I got so angry that they seemed ungrateful for the thing we were doing NOW that it ruined the time for me.

Today, with the help my neighbors, I threw a back to school picnic at our Community Center. It was a great time & there were a lot of kids & new neighbors. The consensus between the adults was that tomorrow could not come soon enough.

Now, as our summer comes to an end my feelings are bittersweet. I am so excited to move on to the next chapter of our lives. This is the chapter that two kids are in school for the majority of the weekday and a Mom & Dad have time on their hands. I am going to miss them.

1 comment:

Tami said...

When we were in AL, I had a very brief stint of both kiddos in school. Before it started I was scared, my whole life had been about being a mom with little ones at home. Then the time came, I filled my days and life was good. . .for all of two weeks. Then school fell apart and I started homeschooling. Now I'm thinking I'll be lucky to have some time in around. . .umm, 15 years! HA HA!
Seriously, enjoy. RFeally with all the Home Room Mom and other school things, you are not going to have nearly as much time as you thought!