Tuesday, July 28

Back to the grind!

I’m home! Whoo Hoo!

Okay, that is about all of the excitement about that that I can muster. Now, while I LOVE to be in my own home & sleeping in my own bed there is a price to pay for these luxuries.

I came home to a house lived in by one pretend bachelor who was visited by 1 Army friend, 2 college friends, & 1 brother in law. AND a home that had hosted Jamison’s 2009 Fantasy Football draft. What this means is that the house was not quite what I expected. I was expecting the frat house from Animal House when I returned. In hubby’s defense it was pick up however it was NOT clean. He tried, bless him, however it was not good.

Laundry. Check. Grocery shopping. Check. Appointment to get the gray out of my hair. Check. (Note: Little cleaning has yet to be done!) Cleaning the house…soon. It is just too daunting. Tomorrow is another day.

1 comment:

Tami said...

AGH! Good luck with the cleaning. All the boys, the football party. . .that is a lot of "man" to tackle.